Cambodia’s Other Temples


While Angkor Wat may be Cambodia’s most famous temple, the country has many other temples that are rich in history and culture. Here are the temples worth a visit.


• Barsaet Temple
• Ek Phnom
• Phnom Sampeau
• Prasat Banan
• Prasat Sneung
• Wat Baset
• Wat Kor
• Wat Pee Pahd
• Wat Somrong Knong

Kampong Chhnang

• Wat Phnom Rabbat
• Wat Sahn-dtoot


• Wat Samot Reangsey

Koh Ker

• Koh Ker Temple
• Prasat Thom


Wat Preah Vihear
• Wat Roka Kandal
• Wat Sray Sahn-tah-rah-boh
• Wat Vihear Kuk

Preah Vihear Province

• Preah Vihear Temple (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

An outstanding masterpiece of Khmer architecture, Preah Vihear Temple has a unique architectural complex of a series of sanctuaries linked by a system of pavements and staircases on an 800m-long axis
Photo: Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia

Phnom Penh

• Silver Pagoda (Wat Preah Keo Morakot)
• Wat Langka
• Wat Ounalom
• Wat Phnom (Wat Phnom Daun Penh)

Built in 1372, Wat Phnom stands on the only hill in Phnom Penh. Legend has it that the temple was originally built to house four statues of Buddha found in a tree trunk that was floating in the Mekong River by a wealthy widow named Daun Penh.
Photo: Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia


 • Wat Krom


• Chup Pol Temple (Chu Pol)
• Neang Khmao Temple
• Phnom Da
• Wat Phnom Khliang
• Yeay Pov Temple